Straight Talking

Jane Green’s first book, Straight Talking, is not her best. Tasha is both shallow and selfish, and I couldn’t root for her no matter how hard I tried. At one point she found out something hurtful and I actually thought “serves you right!” (She said as much to herself, too, but that still wasn’t enough […]

Getting Over It

If you like books with a mix of comedy and tragedy, then Anna Maxted’s Getting Over It is just the ticket. Helen has a terrible track record with men, and at first the death of her father barely fazes her. But as the story unfolds, she develops closer relationships with a few different people and […]

Living Dangerously

I really liked parts of Katie Fforde’s Living Dangerously, and because of that I’ve read it several times. Polly, the protagonist, is 35 and happy to live on her own. She seems like a perfectly pleasant person. However, the implausability of it all eventually gets to me. SPOILERS


Honeymoon, by Amy Jenkins, is one of my very favorite chick lit novels. It’s both funny and clever, and I felt a strong connection with the heroine and several other characters. She’s about to get married, even though she hasn’t seen the Love of Her Life in years. Her fiancé is a good guy but […]

The Making of Minty Malone

Once I’d read Bridget Jones’s Diary I was dying for similar novels, but the term “chick lit” didn’t exist yet and I had no way of searching for them. (There were of course other books out there, but they were pretty much all in England, and I didn’t discover them until later.) So it was […]

Bridget Jones’s Diary

No serious discussion of chick lit can take place without mention of Bridget Jones’s Diary, by Helen Fielding, which pretty much started the entire genre. There’s nothing I can say about this book that hasn’t been said – it’s side-splittingly funny, and it’s playful and clever and escapist and just downright fun. It’s the first […]