Melissa Nathan Award for Comedy Romance

If you think chick lit is dead, think again – the Melissa Nathan Award for Comedy Romance, held for the first time in 2007 and the second just a few days ago, could almost be called the Chick Lit Award. I think it’s great – tons of people (women and men) read these books, and […]

What is chick lit?

It’s kind of hard to define chick lit. The early books, like Bridget Jones’s Diary and Watermelon, tended to be light-hearted. The women might be flawed and undergo some traumatic events, but they usually had a pretty good sense of humor about it all. These are the books I adore. The phenomenal success of Helen […]

Chick lit fanatic

I’ve decided that I’m ready to share my most embarrassing secret with the world. I read all the time, but not literature, or New York Times bestsellers, or even Oprah’s book club selections. My favorite books are chick lit, and while they might not be intellectual or impressive, they’re funny and entertaining, and I can’t […]