My Fishbowl

Usually I get an idea for an art project and let it simmer for a while. I have a few ideas that I’ve been kicking around for years – they may never get done. But My Fishbowl was different: I thought of it while lying in bed, spent the morning working on it, and it was up on the wall shortly after lunch.

My Ceiling Flowers

It’s hard to tell from the picture, but this flower collage is actually pasted on the ceiling. The flowers in the center are spiral, and when hanging from the wall they sort of drooped down it – not very interesting. I realized that they need to hang so that the basic shape created by the spiral was still more or less recognizable, and the only to do that was to hang them from the ceiling. Of course, gravity works its wonders and the collage falls down every couple of weeks, but you can’t have everything.

Keith Haring

I love cute images/drawings/paintings of people, so as you can imagine I’m a huge Keith Haring fan. When I found out about a special exhibit of his work at the Musée d’art contemporain in Lyon, I had to go. This was an exhibit like no other. The entire museum (3 stories) was filled with his work – over 250 pieces, including a number of huge paintings. There was also a slide-show of some of his sidewalk art; a movie about his murals in New York, Chicago, and Pisa (yes, as in Leaning Tower of); a room covered in photographs of his life and art in New York; and the actual Tokyo Pop Shop. It was spectacular.

Seeing so much of his art in one place was fantastic, but it was also fascinating to learn more about him. I knew that he died of AIDS, but I hadn’t known that a lot of people thought his Pop Shop made him a sell-out. In fact, what he wanted was to make his art accessible to as many people as possible (he had stopped doing paper drawings in subway stations and such when people started stealing them) and he donated most of his profits to charity, notably for AIDS research. I just wish it had been enough to save his life.

My Flowers

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always loved construction paper. Making art with construction paper (or any kind of colored paper) has always sparked my imagination much more than painting or drawing. My latest spurt of creativity has involved flowers, and while I know it’s not fine art, it’s colorful and fun and definitely helps brighten up my excessively white apartment. I’ve made two collages (for lack of a better word) so far – you can see the first one here (click the picture to see a larger image). I’ll post the second collage in a week or so.

Galería Namu

San José, the capital of Costa Rica, is not one of my favorite cities. We tend to avoid it, other than for transit purposes. But on our trip in January, we really wanted to see some Costa Rican art, and research led us to Galería Namu on avenida 7 between calles 5 and 7. It’s a gallery of indigenous art and folk art, and it was wonderful. We bought 5 pieces: a whimsical hand-painted mug, a woven plate, a tiny basket, a decorated mirror, and a cutting board made of colorful strips of wood, for a total of about $125. We could have easily bought another dozen items – paintings, masks, drawings, jewelry… it was a beautiful and varied collection. If you’re in San José, definitely check out this wonderful gallery – or at least look at the website: Galería Namu.

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