Do you have a favorite site for downloading music? I’ve tried iTunes and I just can’t stand having it installed on my computer. Someone recommended LimeWire to me, but I don’t really get it. I’ve had some luck just Googling the name/artist of songs I want, but I still have a list of several dozen that I can’t find. Any suggestions?
Le Mouv’ and Mots fléchés
My favorite French radio station is Le Mouv’. I started listening to it when I lived in Toulouse, and before I left I managed to find it on the internet. It’s a fairly good mix of music, mainly alternative rock (which they call indé, an apocope of indépendant), about half in French and half in English, with the occasional song in another language. Unfortunately, the connection can be a bit spotty. 🙁
I tend to put Le Mouv’ on in the morning while doing a mots fléchés, which I’ve become addicted to – I have to do one every morning – and then keep listening while doing non-work stuff.
Coup de boule – the song
We all knew that Zidane’s head butt during the World Cup Final would go down in history, but did you ever think about the marketing aspects? A French song parodying the event is breaking records (ha ha) in France, and there are several ringtones you can purchase too, all from La Plage Records
I’m not going to translate the whole song, but here’s the chorus:
Zidane il l’a frappé, Zidane il l’a tapé (Coup de boule!)
Zidane he hit him, Zidane he slapped him (Head butt!)
Jared Leto and 30 Seconds to Mars
Why is it that some people get all of the talent? I think Jared Leto is a phenomenal actor (and not bad looking, either) – did anyone see Requiem for a Dream? Just incredible. Then I find out that Jared Leto is in a band called 30 Seconds to Mars, and some of the songs (particularly “Attack”) are amazing. How can one person be able to do so much?
Custom radio station
If you like listening to music online, check out Pandora. You tell it what songs and/or bands you like, and it analyzes them according to the Music Genome Project, then suggests new ones. You can give each song a thumb’s up or down to further refine your custom radio station. It’s pretty cool – check it out.