Artistic tomatoes

I know this photo looks totally staged, but it wasn’t. I had a bunch of not-quite-ripe cherry tomatoes, so I set them out on the marble table in a strip of sunshine. Then when I glanced at them a few minutes later, I saw this lovely reflection.

Artistic tomatoes

Life without chocolate?

I’ve always known that I have something akin to an allergy to caffeine. If I drink one cup of coffee today but not tomorrow, I will get a pounding headache. Lots of people get headaches when they’re used to drinking coffee and then miss a day, but mine is immediate – coffee yesterday but not today = headache. And it’s the kind that doesn’t go away with aspirin – it lasts for at least 24 hours, unless I give in and have coffee. Another problem is that if I have the slightest bit of caffeine within 5 or 6 hours of bedtime, I won’t be able to sleep until 2am finally rolls around.

I can live without coffee, but I’ve now confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that chocolate has the same effect on me. If I eat a couple of chocolate almond clusters, the headache is waiting for me right around the corner. So the question is, should I just give up coffee and live headache free? Or should I continue to enjoy this wonderful treat and just make sure to have some every single day? The latter seems very appealing, but I’m not wild about the idea of consuming something that my body has made it so clear I shouldn’t. Too bad it can’t seem to get the message across to my tastebuds. 🙁

Happy New Year!

So long 2008! Come on in, 2009! This was one of the best years of my life – I started out in Costa Rica and ended up – after trying to move here for almost 20 years – in France! May all your dreams come true, too.

Here’s some reading material and ideas for New Year’s Resolutions:

Meatless Monday

This is an interesting site with “A weekly start for a healthier America” (though I see no reason why the rest of the world can’t participate). 🙂  Anyway, Meatless Monday is a national campaign to help people eat better by eating less red meat, pork, and poultry. You may not be vegetarian, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat meat every single day, so why not try one “meatless Monday” and see how you feel? The site includes recipes, meal planning, tips, and more to help you make a great meatless meal.
More:  Vegetarian recipes | Vegetarian menus

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