7 Wonders of the World, take 2

Most of the original seven wonders of the world have disappeared, and now you can vote for new ones. This is an official initiative open to voters from all over the world, so don’t miss your chance to contribute to this historic decision. Some of the finalists include Stonehenge, Alhambra, and the Eiffel Tower, and the New 7 Wonders of the World will be announced during the Official Declaration ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal on 7-7-07 (you’ve got to love the date). Learn more and register to vote at The New 7 Wonders of the World.

Happy Halloween!

I’m obviously way too old to trick-or-treat, we never get any trick-or-treaters back in the boonies where we live, and I’m not a huge fan of costume parties, so to celebrate Halloween this year I’m going to see The Nightmare Before Christmas on IMAX. I’ve always loved this movie, and seeing it on a huge screen in 3D can only make it better.

I’m not a complete Halloween grinch though; here are a few links to help spread Halloween cheer:

What was the happiest day of your life?

The happiest day of my life so far was either the day I paid off my student loans (which were so high that my then-boyfriend broke up with me, for fear that he would somehow end up having to help pay them) or the day I quit my “real” job and started freelancing full time (which happened to be 1 January 2000). One might think that my wedding day would be the happiest, but since we’d already been together for 6 years, the wedding was just a formality.

The happiest day of my life yet to come will be the day that I move to France (which is still completely up in the air – no response to my visa appeal yet). 🙁

What was the happiest day of your life?

This post was inspired by Scott Adams


Stands for Laura Kismet Lawless, of course! But what else? A quick search on Google reveals that “my” initials are used by quite a few people, places, and things:

  • Laeko-Libuat (language of Papua New Guinea)
  • Lakselv Airport, Banak (airport code)
  • Lietuvos krepšinio lyga (Lithuanian Basketball League)
  • Larry King Live
  • London Knowledge Lab (social software)
  • Loring, King and Loring (UK agricultural recruitment company)
  • Lynn, Kiecke, Lackey & Eason Insurance (Texas)

And here are few other uses, but I can’t figure out what LKL stands for:

  • LKL Advance Metaltech Sdn Bhd. (Malaysia)
  • LKL Oceantrade, Inc. (Netherlands)
  • lkl is “a userspace keylogger for x86 architecture”

Stupid things people say

White House Press Secretary Tony Snow initially minimized the [former Representative Mark Foley] scandal in an interview with CNN: “Look, I hate to tell you, but it’s not always pretty up there on Capitol Hill, and there have been other scandals, as you know, that have been more than simply naughty e-mails.”
Source: The Mercury News
Foley checks into rehab as Republicans seek cover

I don’t know, that just has a certain “sh*t happens – deal with it” ring to it that isn’t exactly what you would expect the White House’s official position to be.

Will divorce for food

And in news of the weird:

Chinese education officials have scrapped a job cut plan that allowed single-parent teachers with children to stay in work after it prompted a rash of divorces… 41 teachers at a single school file[d] for divorce in a week… In comparison, their town divorced a total of 34 couples in the whole of 2005.
Source: Single-parent job plan fuels divorce frenzy

What I can’t figure out is what the point was in the first place. Was it that only married teachers would be let go? Very strange way to deal with unemployment.

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