Computer Problems

Among my friends and family, I’m considered something of a computer whiz. There are tons of people who know a lot more than I, but since I used computers daily long before they became a household word (my father was a computer programmer), I’m much more knowledgeable about and comfortable with them than many people my age and older. While I don’t mind helping people when their computer crashes or begins running sluggishly, I have noticed that the problems are almost invariably caused by at least one of four common scenarios. So I thought I’d share some tips; though they won’t be anything new to most of you, experience tells me that at least one or two people out there could use some help.

Problem 1: Lack of antivirus software / old definitions*

Installing decent antivirus software is the essential first step, but it’s only half the battle. You also need to update your definitions regularly (at least once a week). New viruses pop up daily, with the express purpose of getting past your antivirus protection. Meanwhile, antivirus software publishers fight back with updates that include the new patterns. But if you don’t download them, your computer is not protected specifically against the new threats, and a clever virus might sneak past. I also highly recommend purchasing antivirus software, rather than using something free. While obviously better than nothing, the free programs are far less effective.

Bottom line: Buy good antivirus software and update the definitions regularly, either manually or by configuring your software to do it automatically.

To be continued…

*Yes, I know that Macs and certain browsers are far less susceptible. But I grew up with PCs and am unable to make the switch.

Topics: Internet/Computers

3 thoughts on “Computer Problems

  1. upmi says:

    Hi Laura,

    This is your old About friend, Don. I cannot believe how much you have accomplished recently. Bravo!

    I am presently a computer mentor at a local senior center. There are so many seniors who are lonely and would like to be in touch with far away family and friends. Others want to get medical information or shop on line. In any event I give my time for one-on-one lessons tailored to the person’s wants and needs. Using my rusty French, I even recently helped a man research family records in Quebec!

    I have just started a website called Computer Help For Seniors. I am hoping to reach out to those outside of my community.

    I would love to hear from you and anyone else with suggestions for content, layout, or if you think there is a better host site I should use.

    Best of luck with your new book which I definitely will purchase.

    Don (je ne mens jamais comme un dentiste!)

  2. Hi Don,

    Great to hear from you! Your site is a great idea. One thing that I notice a lot of computer newbies don’t understand is the concept of the computer desktop. When a program is open, they usually don’t know they can minimize it to get to the desktop and open another program. Instead, they always close the current program and then have to relaunch it.

    Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  3. upmi says:

    Good point about newbies and the desktop. I see the “close and relaunch” all the time. I will add something about that.

    I ordered your new book. Your blog readers should see what positive comments you have received about past books.

    Laura fait du beau boulot!


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