
I finally saw the movie Crash this weekend. Wow. What an amazing mix of horrible and heart-warming stories, and unexpected switches between the two extremes. At one point, I was crying so hard that I nearly started hyperventilating. The only other movies that have moved me quite like that were Requiem for a Dream and Sling Blade (both of which left me crying for ages after the movie was over). I thought this was an incredible film.

Topics: TV + Movies

4 thoughts on “Crash

  1. yuncai says:

    FYI. “Crash” is being banned in China, so as Brokeback Mountain and Mission Impossible

    C’est dommage.

  2. That is too bad. I don’t care about MI one way or the other, but the other two

    were excellent films.

  3. bajangirl says:

    I loved Crash as well. I am

    finding it difficult to listen and understand French without having to ask constantly for

    repetitions. I read fine and my speaking is coming along. Because of this I am very shy to

    try. Any suggestions?

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