I hate cilantro!

You know, I really thought I was alone in this, and then I was fortunate enough to spot this link: http://www.ihatecilantro.com. Now that I’ve seen it, it makes perfect sense, as my dislike of this foul-tasting herb can’t possibly be unique, but it’s nice to know that there’s a whole community of like-minded people.

My never-ending gratitude to Geraldine at Veggies, Yarns & Tails for sharing this link!

Topics: Food

6 thoughts on “I hate cilantro!

  1. Geraldine says:

    You are very welcome Laura….I Hate Cilantro is a fun blog and a much

    needed support group for serious cilantro-haters, these folks mean business!!! LOL.


    G 🙂

  2. Sandy says:

    I love Cilantro, but my husband doesn’t like it

    at all! And I make such a good fresh tomato salsa, using it……


  3. Jennie says:

    Thank you so much for this

    site. I also thought that I was the only person on the face of the earth that hates cilantro. I

    am so glad to have found many, many others.

  4. AJ Schmidt says:

    Echoing Jennie, thanks from yet

    another cilantro-hater who thought she was a misunderstood oddity with an inexplicable but

    nevertheless powerful abhorrence for the sickening cilantro. So good not to be alone!

  5. Tammy says:

    I just don’t get what is not to like about this herb. It’s like cat nip to me. I could sniff

    it all day long and I love it in food. But, I really like spicy food. Mayb that’s it.

  6. Bob LaRock says:

    I never paid atention to the

    herb until I went to Costa Rica. The traditional Costa rican dish “Gallo Pinto” uses coriander

    and the dish would not be the same without it. Coriander is the seed of cilantro, yes?

    Anyway, I only eat it with Gallo Pinto, and do like it there. I do grow it in my garden, and

    it is pungent enough to serve as an insect repellent.

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