Power Outage

Just got back online after 72 hours without power. Fortunately, we live near a creek, so had clean (albeit icy cold) water to bathe in, wash dishes, etc. We have a gas stove, so were able to do simple cooking, and we don’t need AC, because the stone barn we live in is always cool, so no problem there. We bought bags of ice and put them in the fridge to keep things from going bad – it worked for about 75% of the food. We only have cell phones, which went out the first day (I guess a tower lost power as well), and then by the time they started working our batteries were dead. The worst part of the power outage was the boredom: no work, no internet, no TV. I normally read a lot, but after a couple of days I was sick of that. I bought a newspaper for the first time in years (I normally read the news online) and read it from cover to cover. Quite the adventure. 😉

Topics: Whatever

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